September 11, 2001 has become old news for many. Children have grown up and become adults and don’t even remember that day. Life has continued, and much has transpired since 9/11, yet God is still beckoning to America: “Come to Me.” Our great God is One who would grow a rose of mercy out of the ashes of 9/11, isn’t He? I’ve wondered if, in the very numbers — NINE, ELEVEN — isn’t to be found that very beckoning from God, pulled forth from the book of Amos, for Amos 9:11 says: “On that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David which has fallen down.”

In the years since 9/11, I’ve gotten married to my wonderful wife Kimberlee and we have had five children, all born in Washington, D.C. Led by the Holy Spirit, with a bleeding heart for America, we’ve planted a YWAM community in Washington that’s been focused on intercession for the whole of the nation. Many now know us as the Washington House of Prayer. One of the constant questions of my calling is: “How do I stand in the gap and make intercession for America today?” The purpose of this book is to invite you to join in the journey of prayer that’s led me to the conclusion that we must, as a nation, come together to launch a 24/7/365 lamp of worship and prayer in our nation’s capital, with the same devotion and love for the Lord that King David expressed in his tabernacle of praise, other- wise known as David’s Tent. This book is to evoke a national response from the churches of America and the world to take ownership of David’s Tent in the same way, knowing that we can only do so when there is an overflow from a life reoriented around Jesus and His priorities. But here’s the revolution: Over time, as I’ve gotten to know the Lord more and more, the motivation has completely changed. It’s no longer merely the questions of how we should properly respond to bad tidings, but it’s now the much deeper question of how do we respond to the unending oceans of love that are emanating from the heart of God toward us?

The call contained in this book has become, more and more, not just a response to any particular crisis of our generation, but more of a response to the love and glory of God. This book is to evoke a reaction of praise to the Lord Jesus, just as we can’t help but say, “That’s an amazing sunset!” whenever we see one. The single greatest crisis that our generation has to grapple with, as with every generation that has gone before or will come after us, is this: How do we properly respond to the love and glory of Jesus?

This post is an excerpt from the book David’s Tent – Jesus is Worthy of A Nation’s Praise by Jason Hershey
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