As a young man I set my sights on being a cross-cultural missionary to a people group somewhere in Asia. I went to Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for training for this purpose, but God had other plans. He called me out of Ezekiel 3:5 to my own house and my own people, the United States of America.

Poetically, ironically and perhaps divinely, my public ministry days started on September 11, 2001. Our itinerate YWAM ministry team was packing a van and trailer full of luggage and equipment that fateful morning when we received word that the first of the World Trade Center towers in New York City had been struck.

The name of that mobile ministry team was “The Jesus Revolution.” We had anchored our message in the concept that nation-changing revolutions happen because a critical mass of people believe in the promise of a better tomorrow and act upon that faith. We were simply declaring that the only revolution that brings true hope and true change is found in

Jesus Christ, when we embrace Him as our Lord and Savior in every area of our lives and reach out to love the world into doing the same. President Obama campaigned on these very same words, “hope and change,” seven years later, and I remember thinking to myself, “Those were the words we used with the Jesus Revolution team.” In true YWAM fashion, we were now preaching the simplest of messages, not pulling any punches — to know God and make Him known.

This post is an excerpt from the book David’s Tent – Jesus is Worthy of A Nation’s Praise by Jason Hershey
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